2024 Term Dates

Term 1: 
29th January - 12th April

Monday 29th/Tuesday 30th Jan - Senior students (Year 11-13) can make timetable changes with their Deans and HoD's.

Wednesday 31st Jan all Year 11 - 13 students on site in the correct uniform for Period 4 (11:55 am).

Meet in the main quad.

Thursday 1st Feb all students start Period 1 at 8:45 am.
New students are to wait outside the gym. 

Term 2: 
29th April  - 5th July

Term 3: 
22nd July - 27th September

Term 4:
Seniors Students -  14th October  - finish on 29th October with NZQA exams starting on November 5th.

Junior students - 14th October  - 11th December

We ask that you continually check our school website, newsletters, and app messages for other important school dates and public holidays throughout the year.